Major grants
- Heart and lung foundation 2023-2025 (research grant and research months) (2 551 000 SEK, title: The role of sugar and starch consumption for cardiometabolic risk)
- ALF 2023-2026 (1108 000 SEK per year, title: The role of sugar and starch consumption for cardiometabolic risk)
- Crafoord foundation 2023 (400 000 SEK, title: Metabolic characterization of high sugar consumers)
- Swedish Research Council 2021-2024 (4 800 000 SEK, title: The role of carbohydrate quality for cardiometabolic risk)
- Crafoord foundation 2022 (300 000 SEK, title: Are dietary habits with low climate impact associated with reduced cardiometabolic disease risk?)
- Påhlsson foundation 2022 (275 000 SEK, title: The role of sugar consumption for cardiometabolic risk)
- Påhlsson foundation 2021 (300 000 SEK, title: The role of dairy product consumption and lactase persistence on cardiometabolic risk)
- Heart and lung foundation 2020-2022 (1 800 000 SEK)
- Swedish Research Council 2017-2020 (6 000 000 SEK)
- Heart-lung foundation research months 2018-2019 (1 840 000 SEK)
- Heart-lung foundation 2017-2019 (1 600 000 SEK)
- Håkansson 2019 + 2020 (1 050 000 SEK)
- Påhlssons 2018-2019 (500 000 SEK)
- ALF 2019-2022 (2 492 000 SEK)
- 3 years grant as SSMF-researcher, from Swedish Society for Medical Research, 2012 (2 832 000 SEK)
- Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) 2012-2014 (1800 000 SEK)