October 16, 2020 | Stina Ramne New article: Intake of sugar-sweetened beverages associates with a type 2 diabetes-pathological proteomic signature We recently published a new article in the journal Nutrients where we looked into the plasma proteome in relation to intake of added sugar … DiabetesNew publicationsStina Ramne 0 Comments
October 15, 2020 | Stina Ramne New article: Is there an association between sugar consumption and the gut microbiota composition? A new article was recently published in the European Journal of Nutrition entitled Gut microbiota composition in relation to intake of added sugar, sugar-sweetened … New publicationsStina Ramne 0 Comments
October 1, 2020 | Suzanne Janzi Course start: Public Health Nutrition 7.5 credits We are very excited for the course start of Public Health Nutrition which we are teaching in the Public Health Master's Programme at Lund … Anna StubbendorffEmily SonestedtEsther González-PadillaKjell OlssonStina RamneSuzanne JanziTeaching 0 Comments